Helvetia & Bristol Ristorante & Cocktail Bar

You're Welcome

It is the absolute pinnacle for those seeking a new restaurant concept and cosmopolitan atmospheres for a signature aperitif or a special dinner in the heart of the historic centre. But don't let the cool, international atmosphere fool you: we are inside the Hotel Helvetia & Bristol, but we are the same Cibrèo, with genuine dishes and tantalising flavours. Only now, with the this philosophy, we also make crazy cocktails. 

Food Menu

ENTRÈE | Starter
UN INSIEME DI COSE BUONE - Una Selezione dei Migliori Prodotti del Mercato Giornaliero in Stile Cibrèo Ristorante & Cocktail Bar
A Selection of the Best Products of the Daily Market by Cibrèo Ristorante & Cocktail Bar
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 12 
IL CARCIOFO - Ripieno di Crema a Base di Pecorino e Prezzemolo, Servito su Olio al Carciofo Bruciato
Artichoke Stuffed with Pecorino and Parsley Cream, Served with Roasted Artichoke Oil
IL POCHÉ - Uovo in Camicia Adagiato sul Nostro Purè di Patate, Coperto da una Crema al Parmigiano e Olio Evo
Poached Egg Served on Our Mashed Potatoes, Covered with Parmigiano Cheese Cream and Extra Virgin Olive Oil
3 - 4 - 7 
TAGLIATELLA DI CALAMARO - Sottilissima Tagliatella di Calamaro, Servita con il Suo Nero
Squid Tagliatella with Its Black Ink
OSTRICA DEL CHIANTI - Filetto Crudo di Fassona Piemontese Tagliato a Fette, Condito con Olio e Limone
Raw Piemontese Fassona Fillet, Seasoned with Lemon Juice and Evo Oil
PRIMI PIATTI | First Course
SPAGHETTI AL NERO - Spaghetti Tuffati nel Nostro Passato al Nero di Seppia
Spaghetti with Cuttlefish Ink Cream
1 - 4 - 9 
AGLIO, OLIO & SCAMPI - Tagliolino Fatto in Casa con Scampi, Limone e Peperoncino
Homemade Tagliolini Pasta with Langoustine, Lemon Scent and Chili
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 
IL RISOTTO AI FORMAGGI - Risotto in Brodo di Pecorino Riserva, Mantecato con Stracchino Stagionato, Parmigiano e Erborinato di Capra
Risotto in Pecorino Riserva Cheese Broth, Creamed with Aged Stracchino, Parmigiano and Goat Blue Cheese
7 - 8 
TIMBALLO - Timballo di Tortiglioni ai Funghi Porcini, Ricoperto dal Nostro Cacio Burro
Tortiglioni Pasta Timbale with Porcini Mushrooms, Covered with Our Cacio and Butter Sauce
1 - 3 - 7 
PLIN - Classico Plin Ripieno di Genovese di Manzo Brasato Lentamente e Crema di Parmigiano
Classic Plin Stuffed with Slowly Braised Genovese Beef Sauce and Parmigiano Cheese Cream
1 - 3 - 7 - 9 - 12 
SECONDI PIATTI: LE VERDURE | Second Course: Vegetables
SFERA DI CAVOLO - Sfera di Cavolo Ripiena di Cavolo e Cipolla Bianca Stufata, Fontina e Chips di Pane Sciapo, su Purè e Insalata Mizuna
Cabbage Sphere Stuffed with Cabbage and Stewed White Onion, Fontina and Chips of Our Sciapo Bread, on Mashed Potatoes and Mizuna Salad
1 - 7 
INZIMINO DI CECI - Stufato di Ceci e Bietole dell’Orto con Pane Croccante
Stew of Chickpeas and Swiss Chard From the Garden with Crispy Bread
1 - 9 
RAPE ROSSE E CAPRINO - Insalata di Rape Rosse Cotte Sotto Sale Accompagnata da Formaggio di Capra al Carbone e Fichi Giulebbati
Salt-Baked Beetroot Salad with Charcoal Goat Cheese and Figs Cooked in Syrup
7 - 12 
SECONDI PIATTI: PESCI | Second Course: Fish
IL MARE IN TAVOLA - Pesce Fresco dell’Arcipelago Toscano Preparato alla Maniera dello Chef Secondo Stagione
Fresh Catch from the Tuscan Archipelago in the Chef’s Style, Always According to Seasonality
4 - 7 
PESCE PER DUE - Pesce Freschissimo, Cotto nella Nostra Griglia a Legna e Servito al Vassoio Per 2 Persone
Fresh Seafood, Grilled on Wood and Platter Served
Catch of the Day Best Selection, Served in Our Pot and Sprinkled with Broth in “Guazzetto” Stew Style
1 - 2 - 4 - 9 - 12 
CALAMARO RIPIENO - Calamaro Ripieno di Zolfini, con ‘Nduja al Profumo di Limone su Salsa di Pane Natura
Squid Stuffed with Zolfini Beans and Lemon Scented ‘Nduja, on Our Natura Bread Sauce
1 - 4 - 8 - 9 - 12 
SECONDI PIATTI: LE CARNI | Second Course: Meat
COSCIA DI FARAONA - Coscia Laccata al Malto Ripiena di Castagne e Maggiorana, con Purè e Scalogno Arrosto
Malt Lacquered Guinea Fawl Stuffed with Chestnuts, with Mashed Potatoes and Roasted Shallot
1 - 3 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 12 
LA BRACIOLA ALLA FIORENTINA - Bistecca Nobile da Allevamento Sostenibile Cotta sui Carboni, Funghi Cardoncelli e Purea di Carota Bianca
Fine Breed Steak from Sustainable Farming Grilled on Charcoal, King Trumpet Mushrooms and White Carrot Purée
7 - 9 - 12 
LA BISTECCA FRITTA DEL CIBRÈO - Costoletta di Vitello Ricoperta in Panatura di Grissini, Fritta, Servita con il Nostro Purè
Veal Chop Covered with Breadstick Panure, Fried and Served with Our Mashed Potatoes
1 - 3 - 7 
LA FASSONA - Filetto di Fassona dell’Appennino Tosco-Emiliano Cotto sui Carboni e Servito con Purè e Salsa al Pepe Verde
Fassona Fillet from the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines, Grilled on Coals and Served with Mashed Potatoes and Green Pepper Sauce
7 - 9 - 12 
AGNELLO - Carrè di Agnello Cotto alla Brace, Servito su Purea di Cavolfiore, Yogurt Greco e Olio alla Menta
Chargrilled Rack of Lamb, Served with Cauliflower Purée, Greek Yogurt and Mint Oil
7 - 9 - 12 
DOLCI | Desserts
BONET ALLE NOCCIOLE - Bonet alle Nocciole e Cioccolato, Servito con Sorbetto al Latte e Nocciole Sabbiate
Chocolate and Hazelnut Bonèt, Served with Milk Sorbet and Sanded Hazelnuts
3 - 7 - 8 
TARTE TATIN - Tarte Tatin alla Frutta di Stagione Servita con il Gelato Buontalenti
Seasonal Fruit Tarte Tatin with Buontalenti Ice Cream
1 - 7 
BABÀ MAGARI... AL LIMONE - Babà di Nostra Produzione, Bagnato al Rum con Marmellata di Limoni, Vaniglia e Crema Diplomatica
Homemade Babà with Rum, Vannilla, Lemon Marmalade and Chantilly Cream
1 - 3 - 7 - 12 
CASTAGNACCIO - Sponge alla Castagna, Caramello alle Noci, Pasta di Arancia, Gelato Al Pinolo e Olio Evo
Chestnut Sponge, Walnut Caramel, Orange Paste, Pine Nut Ice Cream and Extra Virgin Olive Oil
3 - 7 - 8 
SELEZIONE DI FORMAGGI Servita con Assortimento di Confetture, Miele e Noci
Cheese Selection Served with an Assortment of Jam, Honey & Walnuts
7 - 8 

In the menu, next to each dish name, you will find the matching numbers of the allergen ingredients. Please find here below the corresponding legends.

  1. Cereals containing gluten (wheat, barley, rye, oats, spelt, kamut or their hybridized strains) and derivate
  2. Shellfish and derivate
  3. Eggs and derivate
  4. Fish and derivate
  5. Peanuts and derivate
  6. Soy and derivate
  7. Milk and derivate (including lactose)
  8. Nuts as almonds (Amigdalus communis), hazelnuts (Corylusavellana), walnuts (Juglans regia), cashews (Anacardiumoccidentale), pecans [Carya illinoiensis (Wangenh) K. Koch],brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa), pistachios (Pistacia vera),Queensland nuts (Macadamia ternifolia) and derivate
  9. Celery and derivate
  10. Mustard and derivate
  11. Sesame seeds and derivate
  12. Sulphur dioxide and sulphites at concentrations over 10mg/kg or mg / l identified as SO2
  13. Lupine and lupine-based products
  14. Molluscs and mollusc-based products
Senza Lattosio | Lactose Free
Senza Glutine | Gluten Free
Vegetariano | Vegetarian
Vegano | Vegan
Iconic Dish



Helvetia & Bristol Ristorante & Cocktail Bar

Iconic Dish

Un Insieme di Cose Buone is our Revisited Tray, but there is also Risotto al Pomodoro, Tagliolino Rubato, La Bistecca Fritta del Cibrèo, a seafood course to lose your mind and unique desserts that are also surprising in form and stay true to our credo of passion for the Earth.

Iconic Dish Iconic Dish

Helvetia & Bristol Ristorante & Cocktail Bar

Our Story

It is the absolute pinnacle for those seeking a new restaurant concept and cosmopolitan atmospheres for a signature aperitif or a special dinner in the heart of the historic centre. But don't let the cool, international atmosphere fool you: we are inside the Hotel Helvetia & Bristol, but we are the same Cibrèo, with genuine dishes and tantalising flavours. Only now, with the this philosophy, we also make crazy cocktails.

The sound of Cibrèo

Table Booking

It is the perfect place to combine a cool aperitif with an amazing dining experience. Book your complete Cibrèo experience now!


Our restaurants welcome everyone. You’re always at home with us. However, during certain times, it might be difficult to find a table at your preferred time. So try to book in advance or ask our staff for advice. They’ll naturally go the extra mile for you!
Tel. +39 055 2341100


Book your Cibrèo experience in perfect Picchi style. Giulio will take you to the heart of our restaurants' history, turning every dish into a story to be experienced.


Want to organise a special event or dinner? We have just the thing for you! Discover Sartoria Cibrèo, our events, guided tours, masterclasses and much more.


Do you have specific dietary requirements or special requests for your dinner? Write to us, we will fulfil your every wish.

Make your reservation

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Aperitif | Tuesday - Saturday 18:30 - 1:00
Dinner | Tuesday - Saturday 19:30 - 22:30
After Dinner | Tuesday - Saturday 22:30 - 1:00


Via dei Vecchietti, 5
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Telephone | +39 055 2665651
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