Sant'Ambrogio Ristorante

You're Welcome

'A collection of good things since 1979'. Cibrèo is the iconic restaurant in Sant'Ambrogio that has turned the idea of traditional cuisine into a cult. It was given the name of an ancient dish from the Florentine table, emblematic of a way of catering that was almost revolutionary at the time. It was then that the idea of a cuisine using the shortest supply chain as possible, always in step with the seasons, was born. And it still does. 

Food Menu

Antipasti | Entrées
Vitello Tonnato
Sliced Veal with Tuna Sauce
3 - 4 - 9 
Fegatelli di Maiale al Limone
Roasted Pork Liver with Lemon
Gamberi in Salsa Rosa
Prawn with our Cocktail Sauce
2 - 3 - 12 
Ostrica del Chianti
Cibrèo Style Raw Beef
Pesce del Giorno Leggermente Scottato
Lightly Cooked Catch of the Day
Primi | First Courses
Sformato di Patate e Ricotta con il Ragù
Potato and Ricotta Flan with Ragù Sauce
3 - 7 - 9 
Passato di Zucca Gialla
Butternut Squash Soup
7 - 9 
Zuppa di Pesce dell’Arcipelago Toscano
Tuscan Fish Soup
1 - 4 - 9 
Riso al Salto, Crema di Topinambur e Ragù alla Genovese
Rice Sauté Timbale with Sunchokes Purée and Stewed Pork
7 - 9 - 12 
Timballo di Tortellini
Tortellini Pasta Timbale
1 - 3 - 7 - 8 - 9 
Secondi | Main Courses
“Mi Voglio Bene di Cardi” con Pesto di Cavolo Nero, Tuorlo d’Uovo e Fonduta di Parmigiano
“Mi Voglio Bene di Cardi” with Cardoon, Curly Cabbage Pesto, Egg Yolk and Pecorino Cheese Fondue
1 - 3 - 7 - 8 
Cuore di Bistecca con Radicchio al Vino Rosso
Beef Loin-Steak with Trevisian Radicchio
7 - 9 - 12 
Lingua di Vitello Croccante con Cavolo Cappuccio e Salsa Verde
Seared Veal Tongue with Purple Cabbage and Parsley Sauce
1 - 4 - 9 
Ossobuco di Vitello con il Battuto Fiorentino e il Purè
Veal Marrow Bone with Mashed Potatoes
7 - 9 - 12 
Rollè di Coniglio con Cipolline Borettane in Agrodolce
Rabbit Rollè Stuffed with Sausages, Served with Sweet and Sour Borettane Onions
1 - 3 - 7 - 9 
Trancio di Pescato del Giorno con Maionese all’Acqua di Pesce e Patate
Seared Catch of the Day with Fish Mayonnaise and Potatoes
3 - 4 
Calamari Ripieni di Pane e Mortadella al Pomodoro
Bread and Mortadella Filled Squid with Tomato Sauce
1 - 3 - 7 - 9 - 12 
DOLCI | Desserts
Torta al Cioccolato
Chocolate Cake
3 - 7 
Torta al Formaggio con Marmellata di Arance Amare
Cheesecake with Bitter Orange Marmalade
1 - 3 - 7 
Crostatina di Frutta
Fruit Tart
1 - 3 - 7 
Panna Cotta al Caramello
Caramel Panna Cotta
3 - 7 
Bavarese alla Vaniglia con Cioccolato
Vanilla Bavarian Cream with Chocolate Topping
3 - 7 
Selezione di Formaggi
Cheese Selection
CIBRÈO FIRENZE DAL 1979 | Il Percorso Degustazione Per La Cena - The Dinner Tasting Journey
La proposta degustazione in sei portate pensata dal nostro Executive Chef Oscar Severini e dal Resident Chef Maurizio Corsini per esprimere al meglio la storia del Ristorante Cibrèo, una storia che si tramanda dal 1979.
The tasting proposal conceived by our Executive Chef Oscar Severini and Resident Chef Maurizio Corsini expresses the best of the history of the Cibrèo Restaurant, a history that has been handed down since 1979.
Un Insieme di Cose Buone - A Bunch of Good Things
1 - 3 - 4 - 7 - 8 - 9 
Le Vellutate di Stagione - Soup by the Season
Il Timballo del Cibrèo - The Cibrèo Tibale
Le Verdure degli Chef - Vegetables by the Chefs
La Nostra Iconica Guancia - Our Iconic Beef Cheek
I Dolci di Fabio - Fabio’s Dessert
Su richiesta, è disponibile il wine pairing suggerito dal nostro head sommelier - The wine Pairing, suggested by our head sommelier is available upon request.
Wine Pairing con Calici da 100 ml cad. - Wine Pairing with 100 ml glasses each

In the menu, next to each dish name, you will find the matching numbers of the allergen ingredients. Please find here below the corresponding legends.

  1. Cereals containing gluten (wheat, barley, rye, oats, spelt, kamut or their hybridized strains) and derivate
  2. Shellfish and derivate
  3. Eggs and derivate
  4. Fish and derivate
  5. Peanuts and derivate
  6. Soy and derivate
  7. Milk and derivate (including lactose)
  8. Nuts as almonds (Amigdalus communis), hazelnuts (Corylusavellana), walnuts (Juglans regia), cashews (Anacardiumoccidentale), pecans [Carya illinoiensis (Wangenh) K. Koch],brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa), pistachios (Pistacia vera),Queensland nuts (Macadamia ternifolia) and derivate
  9. Celery and derivate
  10. Mustard and derivate
  11. Sesame seeds and derivate
  12. Sulphur dioxide and sulphites at concentrations over 10mg/kg or mg / l identified as SO2
  13. Lupine and lupine-based products
  14. Molluscs and mollusc-based products
Senza Lattosio | Lactose Free
Senza Glutine | Gluten Free
Vegetariano | Vegetarian
Vegano | Vegan
Iconic Dish



Sant'Ambrogio Ristorante

Iconic Dish

From the Sformato di Patate e Ricotta to the Timballo di Tagliolini, through to the Piccione Ripieno di Mostarde, without forgetting the Vassoio del Cibrèo or the divine Torta al Formaggio con Marmellata di Arance Amare. The Signature Cibrèo dishes are loved and they define the cuisine of this restaurant, as a perfect blend of tradition and personal inventiveness of the brilliant Fabio Picchi.

Iconic Dish Iconic Dish

Sant'Ambrogio Ristorante

Our Story

For years Fabio thought he was going to be a journalist. Then, in 1979 at only 24 years of age, he decided to instead open his first restaurant. One of simple elegance of décor and with a passion for culinary tradition... so passionate as to be against the trend! Over the years, it has become a symbol of his visionary spirit; for the precious use of ecologically and ethical raw materials. Today, it is Italian restaurant history.

The sound of Cibrèo

Table Booking

If you think about it too long, you won’t find a spot! Don’t miss out on your table at the historic Cibrèo Ristorante.


Our restaurants welcome everyone. You’re always at home with us. However, during certain times, it might be difficult to find a table at your preferred time. So try to book in advance or ask our staff for advice. They’ll naturally go the extra mile for you!
Tel. +39 055 2341100


Book your Cibrèo experience in perfect Picchi style. Giulio will take you to the heart of our history, turning every dish into a story to be experienced.


Want to organise a special event or dinner? We have just the thing for you! Discover Sartoria Cibrèo, our events, guided tours, masterclasses and much more.


Do you have specific dietary requirements or special requests for your dinner? Write to us, we will fulfil your every wish.

Make your reservation

Contact Us

Curious about the world of Cibrèo? Would you like to know more about our history and activities or would you like to learn more about the style of our cuisine from the words of Fabio Picchi?
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Lunch | Monday - Sunday 12:30 - 14:30
Dinner | Friday - Sunday 19:00 - 22:30


Via del Verrocchio, 8r, Florence, Italy.
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Telephone | +39 055 234 11 00
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