Helvetia & Bristol Caffè

You're Welcome

Like its namesake in Sant'Ambrogio, the Café inside the Helvetia & Bristol, a five-star luxury hotel in the Starhotels Collezione, is a place that unites different souls, worlds and cultures. Which we always welcome with authenticity! For Florentines or those just passing through, expats or die-hards from the city centre, there's always room (and good food) for everyone at Cibrèo Caffè. Every day, at all hours, indoor and outdoor. 

Food Menu

IL PRANZO | LUNCH | Dalle 12:30 alle 14:00 | From 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm
Antipasti | Starters
Gelatina di Curcuma - Signature Cibrèo
Turmeric Yogurt and Lemon Gelée - Cibrèo Signature
Paté del Cibrèo
Cibrèo Chicken Liver Paté
1 - 4 - 7 - 9 - 12 
Mortadella di Prato e Sottaceti | NEW!
Mortadella and Pickles | New dish
3 - 5 - 10 - 12 
Vassoio di Antipasti del Cibrèo - Signature Cibrèo
Cibrèo Starters Selection - Cibrèo Signature
1 - 3 - 4 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 12 
Panizza di Ceci con Scarola
Chickpeas Panisse with Escarole
Terrina di San Giacomo NEW!
Scallops Gratin | New dish!
1 - 3 - 4 - 7 - 12 - 14 
Insalate | Salads
ETTORINA - Insalata Mista, Tonno, Mozzarella, Uova Sode, Patate Lesse, Cipolla, Origano
Mixed Salad, Tuna, Mozzarella Cheese, Boiled Eggs, Boiled Potatoes, Onion, Oregano
3 - 4 - 7 - 12 
CESARINA - Lattuga Romana, Pollo, Parmigiano, Crostini Di Pane, Rigatino
Lettuce, Chicken, Parmesan Cheese, Bread Croutons, Tuscan Bacon
1 - 3 - 7 - 12 
LA CRUDA-E-COTTA - Insalata di Verdure Miste dei Nostri Orti Toscani, Cotte e Crude
Mixed Vegetables Salad from Tuscan Garden, Raw and Cooked
LA TARDIVA - Insalata di Fagioli con Radicchio Tardivo e Cipollotto | NEW!
Beans Salad with Trevisian Radicchio and Spring Onion - New dish!
LA GRECA INVERNALE - Insalata di Carciofi Cotti, Feta, Olive e Cipolla Rossa | NEW!
Cookeed Artichokes, Feta Cheese, Olives and Red Onion Salad | New dish!
7 - 12 
La Mozzarella con la Rucola
Mozzarella Cheese and Rocket Salad
7 - 12 
primi piatti | First Courses
Tortelloni di Ricotta e Spinaci - Signature Cibrèo
Tortelloni Stuffed with Ricotta Cheese and Spinach - Cibrèo Signature
1 - 3 - 7 
Tagliolini Cacio e Burro - Tagliolini with Cacio and Butter Sauce | Cibrèo Signature
Tra i 25 migliori piatti di pasta italiani secondo The New York Times 2024 - Among the 25 best Italian pasta dishes according to The New York Times 2024
1 - 3 - 7 - 9 
Lasagna al Ragù del Cibrèo
Lasagna with Cibrèo Style Ragout
1 - 3 - 7 - 9 - 12 
Cavati alla Bruni | NEW!
Cavati Amatriciana Style | New dish!
1 - 7 
Passato di Zucca Gialla
Squash Soup
7 - 9 
Minestrone di Verdure con Riso Rosso
Red Rice Vegetable Soup
vegetariani | Vegetarians
Uovo al Pomodoro | NEW!
Egg in Tomato Sauce | New dish!
3 - 7 
Zuppa di Cipolle | NEW!
Onion Soup | New dish!
1 - 7 
Gurguglione Invernale
Vegetable Stew
Secondi Piatti con Contorno | Main Courses with side dishes
Roastbeef del Cibrèo Caffè
Cibrèo Caffè Style Roast Beef with Side Dish
7 - 10 
Pikki Burger con le Patate Rustiche del Cibrèo
Cibrèo Burger with Country Fried Potatoes
1 - 7 - 10 - 11 
Haché di Fassona Piemontese
Fassona Steak Haché
La Nostra “Braciola Taglio Bistecca” Frollata 40 Giorni con il Purè - Signature Cibrèo
Boneless Beefsteak Aged 40 Days with Mashed Potatoes - Cibrèo Signature
Secondi Piatti con Contorno | Main courses with side dishes
Baccalà con l’Hummus
Codfish with Hummus
Corona di Galletto al Tegamino | NEW!
Roasted Cockerel Crown | New dish!
Club Sandwich del Cibrèo - Signature Cibrèo
Cibrèo Tuscan Club Sandwich - Cibrèo Signature
1 - 7 - 10 
Tartare di Fassona Piemontese
Fassona Beef Tartare
1 - 3 - 4 - 10 
Vitello Tonnato
Sliced Veal with Tuna Sauce
3 - 4 
Contorni del Giorno
Side Dishes of the Day
Dolci | Desserts
Panna Cotta al Caramello
Caramel Panna Cotta
3 - 7 
Bavarese alla Vaniglia con Salsa al Cioccolato
Vanilla Bavarian Cream with Chocolate Sauce
3 - 7 
Dolci | Desserts
Crostatina con Frutta di Stagione
Seasonal Fruit Tart
1 - 3 - 7 
Torta al Cioccolato
Chocolate Cake
3 - 7 
Cheesecake con Pere al Vino Rosso
Cheesecake with Pears Cooked in Red Wine
1 - 3 - 7 - 12 
Menù Gastronomici - Pranzo | Gastronomic Tasting Menu - Lunchtime | Scegli la Combinazione Giusta per il Tuo Pranzo | Choose the Right Combination for Your Lunch
LA CLASSICA: A Scelta tra Antipasto o Dolce e un Primo Piatto - Acqua e Caffè Inclusi
A Choice Between Starters or Dessert and a First Course - Water & Coffe Included
LA BUONGUSTAIA: A Scelta tra Antipasto o Dolce e un Secondo di Carne o Pesce - Acqua e Caffè Inclusi
A Choice Between Appetizer or Dessert and a Main Course of Meat or Fish - Water & Coffe Included
LA LEGGERA: A Scelta tra Antipasto o Dolce e una delle Nostre Insalate - Acqua e Caffè Inclusi
A Choice Between Appetizer or Dessert and a Salad of Ours - Water & Coffe Included

In the menu, next to each dish name, you will find the matching numbers of the allergen ingredients. Please find here below the corresponding legends.

  1. Cereals containing gluten (wheat, barley, rye, oats, spelt, kamut or their hybridized strains) and derivate
  2. Shellfish and derivate
  3. Eggs and derivate
  4. Fish and derivate
  5. Peanuts and derivate
  6. Soy and derivate
  7. Milk and derivate (including lactose)
  8. Nuts as almonds (Amigdalus communis), hazelnuts (Corylusavellana), walnuts (Juglans regia), cashews (Anacardiumoccidentale), pecans [Carya illinoiensis (Wangenh) K. Koch],brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa), pistachios (Pistacia vera),Queensland nuts (Macadamia ternifolia) and derivate
  9. Celery and derivate
  10. Mustard and derivate
  11. Sesame seeds and derivate
  12. Sulphur dioxide and sulphites at concentrations over 10mg/kg or mg / l identified as SO2
  13. Lupine and lupine-based products
  14. Molluscs and mollusc-based products
Senza Lattosio | Lactose Free
Senza Glutine | Gluten Free
Vegetariano | Vegetarian
Vegano | Vegan
Iconic Dish



Helvetia & Bristol Caffè

Iconic Dish

From Cibrèo Caffè's Roastbeef to the Parmigiana di Melanzane, from the Braciola Taglio Bistecca to Cibrèo's revisited Club Sandwich. And don’t forget to leave some room for our legendary Panna Cotta al Caramello, to top it all off.

Iconic Dish Iconic Dish

Helvetia & Bristol Caffè

Our Story

Our Café at Sant’Ambrogio is so iconic that it was time to bring it to a wider audience. And the challenge of entering the history of hotelerie was too tempting. In 2021 we arrived in the heart of Florence's historic centre with the most iconic and charming café, a true salon of understated elegance and warm welcome.

The sound of Cibrèo

Table Booking

Right in the heart of the historic centre, just steps from Piazza Strozzi, you’ll easily find us. But to be safe, book before you arrive!


Our restaurants welcome everyone. You’re always at home with us. However, during certain times, it might be difficult to find a table at your preferred time. So try to book in advance or ask our staff for advice. They’ll naturally go the extra mile for you!
Tel. +39 055 2341100


Book your Cibrèo experience in perfect Picchi style. Giulio will take you to the heart of our restaurants' history, turning every dish into a story to be experienced.


Want to organise a special event or dinner? We have just the thing for you! Discover Sartoria Cibrèo, our events, guided tours, masterclasses and much more.


Do you have specific dietary requirements or special requests for your dinner? Write to us, we will fulfil your every wish.

Make your reservation

Contact Us

Curious about the world of Cibrèo? Would you like to know more about our history and activities or would you like to learn more about the style of our cuisine from the words of Fabio Picchi?
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Lunch | Monday - Sunday 12:00 - 15:00
Dinner | Monday - Sunday 19:00 - 22:30


Via Dei Pescioni, 8r
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Telephone | +39 055 2665651
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